Accessibility Services | TRU

Accessibility Strategies

Designing for Diversity

Accessibility is essential. Whether on websites, apps, or social media platforms; it ensures your users have optimal experiences while you remain compliant.

According to the World Health Organization, 15% of the global population has some form of disability or impairment. Using accessibility strategies will transform your digital eco-space into a more inclusive zone for all your audiences, regardless of their abilities. It involves optimizing certain aspects such as adding alt text to imagery, enhancing your colour contrast, and implementing captions. This has become especially important in recent years when governments are updating policies to ensure compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 regulations.

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To ensure your website is up to date with the most recent accessibility legislations, contact our team; we’ll run thorough automated and manual audits.

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Accessibility Strategies Icon
Build a Bridge to All Abilities

Improve brand perception by scaling an accessibility program. Not only will it make for a more mature and sustainable future for your digital success, but it’ll also support your users with disabilities. From visual and hearing to motor and cognitive impairments; understanding and tailoring the accessibility of your domain improves its functionality and experience.

  • Make text bigger
  • Use easy-to-read fonts
  • Scale up the colour contrast
  • Type understandable words
  • Simplify your layout
  • Use headings as breakdowns
  • Tag alt text to images
  • Feature button aria labels
  • Attach video captions
  • Become mobile-first

Implementing accessibility strategies brings three core benefits. First, it can improve the user experience for everyone, including those without disabilities, by making your site easier to navigate and understand. Second, it can increase your brand’s reach to a wider audience, including those with disabilities or impairments. Third, it can improve your reputation and brand image by demonstrating a commitment to inclusivity and social responsibility.

While optimizing your website, implementing accessibility strategies also mitigates the risk of legal repercussions!

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At TRU, We Assess Access

We believe accessibility is the key to completeness. It could be the difference between the number of consumers you reach and the rate of engagement you achieve; thus, it should shape the foundations of your business.

As partners to industry-leading accessibility tools such as Pope Tech and Site Improve, our experts will help your team ensure successful outcomes. Businesses come to us because we build great relationships; we become an extension of you, dedicated to optimizing for accessibility. Being well-versed in accessibility-first designs, we implement technologies and format products so you’re inclusive and legally compliant. TRU will assess your digital products and re-orient them to benefit your brand, improve user experiences, and optimize your marketing capabilities.

A picture of a man discussing with women while looking at a laptop
Blue Gradient

Audit your website with TRU today to make sure you’re compliant with GDPR, CCPA, AODA, and WCAG policies.

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Champion Accessibility and Join the Modern Change

Oshawa power logo
Oshawa Power

Following a new AODA compliance schedule for  Ontario businesses, we helped Oshawa Power efficiently eradicate all accessibility errors within 2 months.

CIFAR logo

In October 2021, CIFAR came to us requesting an audit for accessibility. Finding over 10,000 issues, we provided an action plan resolving over 95% of fixes.

The beer store black logo image
The Beer Store

Serving all Ontarians, The Beer Store needed all product and listing pages to be accessible. With the main issue of missing alt text, we fixed images on over 1,500 pages.

CSA Group logo
CSA Group

Addressing 2 of its 5 domain components (corporate and shop), we have been a consistent and ongoing partner, providing CSA with audits since August 2020.

To better engage all your customers, no matter their ability, make their experience more smooth sailing by speaking to us today.
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