Brand Persona Services | TRU

Brand Persona Development

Personify Your Brand for Authentic Conversations

To bypass the guessing stage, you need a brand persona that will help you clearly roadmap target audiences to create clear and effective marketing campaigns.

By conducting a simple questionnaire, you can have a high-level overview of who your brand is. The goal is to identify the humanized aspect that lives within the entity; So, you can differentiate yourself from your competitors and effectively communicate with your audience. From advertising and web development to social media marketing and content creation, your brand persona is an essential guiding tool for your tone and style of messaging.

Blue Gradient

To discover your brand’s persona and effectively communicate with your target audience in a way that truly resonates with them, talk to us today.

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Make Your Brand Unforgettable

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make is not developing a brand persona. When they make this mistake, they develop marketing materials they’re interested in. They develop strategies and campaigns they believe they’d buy into - but they’re not the target market. Their target markets are individual, unique, and simply not interested in something that doesn’t speak their language.

Creating a brand persona not only lets you learn who your brand is, but it lets you fully understand your target audience. So, you can effectively take them through the user funnel from awareness to interest to consideration and, finally, to a decision.

Mitigate the risk of launching marketing efforts into the wind.

Bring your target audience a brand persona they won’t forget; a brand persona they can trust, communicate with, and share.

Giving and empathetic, the caregiver brand will always serve its customers before it serves itself. This persona ensures your users feel supported in your digital presence.
If you are the entertainer brand, you’re fun. You’re exciting. You’re even humorous to your audience; let them experience ease in your digital space so they feel free to play.
Girl/Guy Next Door
Quite simply, the girl/guy next door brand is the everyman for everyone. It’s down-to-earth and humble while helping build online spaces that are helping and honest.
This brand archetype always brings out the best in others. It’s pure without being naive; it’s simple without being plain and it’ll see the brightest side of its customers.
With one common goal but never the same path walked, the magicians of this world manifest transformation in their customers and clients. Brands may even be seen as visionaries.
As a highly influential entity, this brand is a thought leader. This archetype sophisticatedly captivates its audiences wanting to be part of its inner circle.
The creator is, well, creative by nature. This brand inspires, invents, and expresses itself in its own design. As a brand, you have something individual to offer; help users find it.
You’re the trailblazer; the adventurer; the musketeer waiting for the next great quest. You’re there to help your audiences find something new, freeing, or fulfilling.
As the story’s hero, you bring your audience a sense of security; you’ve slain the dragon and brought freedom to all. They look to you for inspiration to overcome.
The lover archetype centers around relationships. It’s wholly passionate about the aesthetics of humanity and bringing its audience a sense of satisfaction.
You’re the outlaw fighting authority and you’re completely unapologetic about it. You’ve got the newest trend, the boldest step, and revolutionized offerings.
The Sage is the thought leader. It's the thinker the world comes to for facts, knowledge, and insights about industry, products, or services. It brings truth and makes an impact.
An image showing two persons discussing with each other.An image showing two persons discussing with each other.

Brand Personas are the Psychology of Business

Here at TRU, we’re both the “Hero” and the “Girl/Guy Next Door” (A.K.A the “Everyman”), so we’re down to earth, realistic, and there for you for whatever you need. Whether that’s brand persona development or learning how to use your brand persona as an integrated marketing tool for your audiences to relate to.

Where other companies simply study an archetype and build 1-3 ideal customer profiles, we do it differently. We research the brand archetypes and attribute as many or as few into your brand’s persona as necessary. Then, we hold stakeholder interviews and focus groups to make sure the brand persona truly resonates with who you’re targeting. Finally, we develop detailed brand books for you to ensure you’re consistently on brand and consistently relatable to your market.

Blue Gradient

Find out how to improve the way you communicate with your target audience using a brand persona; efficiently meet business goals and drive positive perceptions.

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Brands Who Shaped Their Identities With Distinctive Personas

Unionville College black logo image
Unionville College

Beginning in 2021, we audited Unionville College  - then, Unionville Montessori School - for its behaviours and personalities, finding it to be the Magician, Caregiver, and Sage. This helped build an effective strategy of communication while rebranding.

Hiputee Logo

In just 4 months, our marketing and analytics team found Hiputee’s main brand archetypes. This then enabled us to undertake sophisticated A/B testing and focus groups for an enhanced effort into user targeting when marketing the business.

Cloudloop logo

As part of an ongoing project that started in February 2023, we’re forecasting 4 months to effectively re-position the Cloudloop brand using archetype analysis. Primarily found to be the Caregiver, this will help grow the company’s brand awareness.

Are you a Lover or a Hero? A Magician or a Sage? Could you even be the Caregiver? Talk to our dedicated staff and create a new brand persona that speaks for itself.
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