Internal Software Auditing Services | TRU

Internal Software Auditing

A Digital Quality Control Inspection Like No Other

Software can help you manage, communicate, optimize, track, market, innovate and so much more; but only if you’re utilizing the right tools in the right way.

Internal software auditing services are your solution to evaluate the efficacy of the software, assets, systems, and practices you have in place. It involves reviewing software providers, packages, and specific tools in line with your goals as an organization. From Adobe Suite Products to Salesforce Integration Tools and more; even if a solution was once the optimal route, today, the GPS system might be rerouting you in a new direction.

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Unlock the potential of your digital ecosystem with our internal software auditing services; we'll extract value and fine-tune for optimal performance.

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Create New Foundations in the Cloud

Internal software auditing involves reviewing documentation, conducting interviews, performing system scans, analyzing data, and comparing findings against standards, policies, and best practices.

When you audit the software you use, you establish new pathways to alleviate downtime, improve management, and increase efficacy across business processes.

Compliance Auditing
A software licensing agreement is one of the most overlooked components; as your business grows and your use cases adapt, the legal requirements may also change. Completing internal software compliance auditing helps to verify that software licenses are correctly acquired, maintained, and utilized to avoid product termination and fines.
Efficiency Identification
Reviewing software usage patterns can identify opportunities for optimization including finding underutilized, redundant, or consolidation-worthy products. You could find more efficient software solutions through research and negotiation. Or, you could streamline software procurement, deployment, management, communication, and collaboration among stakeholders.
Security Alerting
From access controls and authentication mechanisms to data encryption, patching, and updating procedures. When you complete an internal software security alerting protocol, you can identify vulnerabilities in the tools and practices your business uses day-to-day. It’s invaluable practices such as these that mitigate the risk of serious data leaks.
Risk Management
In general, proper oversight, whether client-side, customer-focussed, internal, or governmental, is a crucial step in ensuring risk mitigation of all software processes. This involves evaluating the procedures for acquisition, geographic legalities, deployment, change management, version control, and lifecycle management. All amount to the safe use of data and systems.
Error Discovery
All software runs differently according to the hardware, region, use cases, package, version, customization, and user. With these variables, coding can often skew causing improper data collection, campaign deployment, user interfaces, and more. Whether reactively or proactively, internal software auditing helps to efficiently identify occurring errors and expedite solutioning.
An image showing two persons working together and watching LaptopAn image showing two persons working together and watching Laptop

Delivering Flawless Performance the TRU Way

Whether it’s for your website’s performance, campaign’s efficacy, or your business operations management, we’re here to conduct vital internal software auditing for you. Our experienced cloud engineers will determine appropriate update plans; security or bug prevention patches are even applied outside regular schedules to decrease site downtime.

Our global team is versed in an array of software providers from the most notable such as Adobe to the more niche platforms like HubSpot. When you audit the software you run, you find corrective actions, process enhancements, and risk mitigation strategies from configuration to compliance. When you come to TRU for internal software auditing services, we’ll always start with your why. We’ll find out your goals and objectives before auditing the software you currently use and finding optimizations that can improve the way your business runs.

Blue Gradient

Enhance your business from within; contact the auditing team at TRU today to learn more about our internal software auditing services.

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Delivering Flawless Performance the TRU Way

Ontario Teacher's Pension Plan logo
Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan

From the start of 2022, OTPP began experiencing data misalignment and loss in its two collection platforms. Using three audits, we found a number of causes and provided the business with a solutions document the IT teams could implement. 

Stay compliant, reduce overheads, amplify efficiency, mitigate risks, harness expertise, improve management, and more; just request internal software auditing.
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