How to unlock success with omnichannel marketing in 2024?
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How to unlock success with omnichannel marketing in 2024?

8 mins read
8 mins read

As we gaze into the future, the outlook for marketing is bright. Businesses are beginning to understand the significance of being present everywhere. This concept is termed as an "omnichannel" approach. This approach provides a smooth experience across all platforms and channels. They can be in-store, online, mobile apps, or social media.

What is Omnichannel Marketing?

The omnichannel marketing approach integrates all touchpoints for a harmonized customer experience (CX). This approach, tailored to modern consumer habits, recognizes how customers interact with brands. By adopting this strategy, businesses can;

  1. Enhance customer loyalty

  2. Increase sales

  3. Improve brand perception

Still, retail businesses may face challenges in implementing omnichannel approaches due to:

  1. The investments required in technology and hardware

  2. Delivering a seamless customer experience

  3. Rethinking their organizational structure

And these barriers can be overcome by following five steps:

  1. Defining the strategy

  2. Addressing digital touchpoints

  3. Using a decision engine

  4. Implementing agile practices

  5. Activating personalization in the field

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Multichannel vs. Omnichannel Marketing

The following image consists of an infographic that differentiates omnichannel marketing with multichannel marketing.

Focus on Customer Engagement vs. Experience:

  • Multichannel: aims to expand brand awareness through broad customer engagement.

  • Omnichannel: prioritizes seamless customer experiences across all touchpoints, enhancing existing engagement.

Channel-Centric vs. Customer-Centric Approach:

  • Multichannel: emphasizes maximizing the number of channels for customer interaction.

  • Omnichannel: prioritizes the customer journey, ensuring a smooth transition between channels.

Quantity vs. Quality of Contact Channels:

  • Multichannel: Focuses on increasing the number of contact channels available to customers.

  • Omnichannel: Prioritizes the quality of support across integrated channels, enhancing customer satisfaction.

Omnichannel strategies offer a more complete and smooth journey for customers with a strong content marketing strategy. By combining channels and favouring quality over quantity, businesses can ensure consistency. This will ultimately drive customer loyalty and satisfaction.

You must invest in website design services. It is vital if you want to drive your business to a successful omnichannel marketing strategy. Your website is your online storefront. A well-designed one can work wonders in getting and keeping customers. It's an investment that can pay off big time in the long run!

Omnichannel Marketing Stats in 2024

Businesses use an omnichannel strategy to connect with their customers. This connection stays through all channels, especially in the e-commerce industry.

  • Using omnichannel customer engagement strategies, they retain up to 89% of their customers.

  • Most customers want to buy products online. But, 60% of UK consumers prefer to visit physical stores to touch the products. (Think With Google)

  • In 2020, Target achieved quarterly results with a 24.3% increase in sales and a 195% increase in digital sales.

  • Target says that clients purchasing via many channels make four times more. They make more than in-store shoppers. And ten times higher than those who stuck to digital channels.

  • Omnichannel customers have a 30% higher lifetime value to brands than single-channel customers. (Google Cloud)

  • Omnichannel businesses deliver value wherever, whenever, and however, their customers want it. Even beyond their website, and adapt to changing customer needs and preferences. (Google Cloud)

How to Create an Omnichannel Marketing Strategy?

An omnichannel strategy treats each channel as part of a unified brand experience. It ensures that all brand elements engage customers throughout their journey. This approach covers the whole customer experience. It goes from the first brand interaction to buying and beyond. It aims to build customer loyalty.

1. Establish an Online Presence

  • Create a user-friendly e-commerce website and feature-rich mobile app for convenient shopping.

  • Make sure customers can easily browse products. They should also be able to read reviews and make purchases on both platforms.

2. Enhance the In-Store Experience

  • Combine physical stores with interactive kiosks. They allow customers to explore products and seek help seamlessly.

  • Make sure customers get consistent services and experiences. They should get them across all touchpoints to bridge the gap between online and offline.

3. Provide Responsive Customer Support

  • Offer 24/7 customer service for immediate help. Use various channels, like phone, email, and live chat.

  • Support customers on social media. Engage with them where they are most active and responsive.

4. Use Personalized Marketing Tactics

  • Use customer data to craft personalized email campaigns and targeted ads. Cater to individual preferences and behaviours.

  • Enhance customer engagement and retention through tailored marketing efforts. These efforts resonate with specific segments.

5. Implement Effective Loyalty Programs

  • The program unifies loyalty rewards for online and in-store purchases. It encourages cross-channel engagement.

  • Encourage repeat business and brand advocacy. Do this by offering enticing rewards and incentives for ongoing participation.

6. Offer Seamless Order Fulfillment

  • Offer convenient click-and-collect options for online orders. This allows customers to pick up items at their preferred location.

  • Ensure reliable home delivery services with real-time tracking. Providing a hassle-free shopping experience from purchase to delivery.

By using these six key strategies, you can create a seamless omnichannel experience. They will cater to your customer's needs and preferences. This approach boosts sales and promotes brand loyalty.

Want to learn more?

Hear from global marketing experts about implementing an effective omnichannel marketing strategy.
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Top Omni-Channel Marketing Platforms

To achieve success in omni-channel marketing, divide your resources across each platform efficiently. Without the right platform, your efforts can fall short. Platforms designed for omni-channel marketing can help your business operate seamlessly across all channels.

HubSpot CRM

HubSpot's CRM platform is a one-stop shop for all your marketing needs. It's an all-in-one marketing automation tool. It is functional and meets business needs. You may want to get more leads, increase sales, or improve service. HubSpot is your answer.

This comprehensive platform comprises six hubs,

  1. Marketing Hub

  2. Service Hub

  3. CMS Hub

  4. Sales Hub

  5. Operations Hub

  6. Commerce Hub

Each of them comes with powerful features to help you grow your business.


ActiveCampaign is a powerful platform. It integrates automation, marketing, and CRM tools. They help businesses create high-quality experiences for their customers. The platform offers a range of features segmented by customer touchpoints:

  1. Reach: Attracting potential customers through email marketing campaigns and lead generation.

  2. Nurture: Building relationships with leads through personalized messaging and automated follow-ups.

  3. Convert & Grow: Converting leads into customers through targeted offers and upselling/cross-selling opportunities.

  4. Recommend: Today, e-commerce features optimize the online shopping experience. These include abandoned cart emails and product recommendations.


Shopify is a top e-commerce platform. It offers features to help businesses market with an omnichannel approach. This platform is versatile enough to;

  1. Facilitate product sales

  2. Create social media campaigns

  3. Engage customers throughout the customer acquisition funnel

By leveraging Shopify's capabilities, businesses can tailor omnichannel experiences for their target audiences. They can optimize their sales strategies to drive greater revenues. They can also assess the impact of their marketing campaigns.

Curious about how our platform can help you achieve seamless integration across channels?

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Explore the Top Digital Strategies at eTail Asia

eTail Asia is an annual retail & ecommerce conference. This year, it will be held in Sentosa, Singapore. The conference brings together retailers, brands, and solution providers. They gather to discuss trends and technologies in online retail. Discover insights from industry leaders:

  • Date: 15th May, 2024

  • Time: 16:30 - 18:00

  • Learn how to use headless commerce for your business. It adds modern touchpoints to your existing infrastructure. It offers a seamless omnichannel experience in today's retail.

Learn how embracing headless commerce can improve your current infrastructure. It lets you offer a seamless omnichannel experience.

Join us at eTail Asia to explore the future of retail through innovative strategies.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Still unsure? Take a look at some frequently asked questions below.

What does omnichannel marketing mean?

Omnichannel marketing refers to delivering a unified brand experience across all channels. It ensures customers receive a seamless experience. They can interact with the brand in-store, through mobile apps, on websites, or any other platform.

Is Amazon considered an omnichannel company?

Yes, Amazon is a prime example of an omnichannel business. They strive to provide efficient experiences to customers.

Can you provide examples of omnichannel marketing campaigns?

Yes, a company's marketing team can run an omnichannel campaign. The campaign can span email campaigns, social media advertising, and website advertisements. It provides a consistent message and experience across these different channels.

How can omnichannel marketing improve customer engagement and retention?

Businesses can create an unforgettable brand experience for customers by implementing omnichannel marketing. They can create a personalized brand experience for customers. The experience is consistent regardless of the channel used.