Marketing Mental Health: 10 Best Strategies for Businesses
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Marketing Mental Health: 10 Best Strategies for Businesses

8 mins read
8 mins read

Marketing is a powerful force that taps into human emotions, desires, and fears to craft narratives that resonate with audiences. Today's digital world is heavily dependent on purposeful marketing. Mental health awareness is an integral aspect that brands need to address responsibly.

However, this influence carries significant responsibility. Marketing campaigns have the potential to bring about positive social changes. Brands should use positive, inclusive, and realistic messaging that avoids harmful stereotypes and promotes mental wellness.

Brands and Mental Health Awareness Stats 2024

  • As per the World Health Organization, nearly 1 in 8 people worldwide suffer from mental disorders. These conditions severely impact thought processes, emotions, and behaviour.

  • In 2021, a Think With Google article shared some insightful observations. The pandemic brought a big change in personal values. It sparked deep thoughts. Hence, brands and personal values came together, creating a sense of coherence.

  • Burnout and overwhelming feelings are widespread phenomena. According to the World Health Organization, 10.7% of the world's people have mental disorders.

  • Trend Watching, says we've entered an era. In it, people seek deep personal growth and change. The pandemic has sped up this shift. It has inspired people to explore new paths to enlightenment and healing.

What exactly is Mental Health Marketing?

The days when discussions related to mental health awareness were taboo are gone. Today, the online audience openly discusses topics that affect their mental well-being.


Don't you think adding humour to mental health ad campaigns can help? It can break down negative stereotypes. This can help brands connect better with their audiences. Their audiences may hold preconceived notions about them.

10 Effective Strategies for Marketing Mental Health Services

1. Social Media Engagement

Most millennials don't do this. But, Gen Z target audiences are vocal about discussing their mental state on social media. Brands can use social media platforms for audiences.

The Tru Tip for brands:

  • Identify the social media platforms on which your target audience creates content.

  • Offer valuable tips, resources, and self-care practices directly addressing their mental health needs.

  • Engage with your followers by answering questions and holding Q&A sessions. This shows them that their concerns are heard and understood.

Consider collaborating with influencers and organizations to increase your reach.

2. Mobile Optimization:

The website you develop should be fit for both desktop and mobile devices. The load time should be fast enough to ensure maximum engagement.

The Tru Tip for brands:

  • Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and has a responsive design.

  • Simplify navigation with clear menus and touch-friendly buttons.

  • Optimize for fast loading speed.

  • Consider developing a mental health app for your audience.

3. Email Campaign Personalization:

Craft email strategies to connect with your target audiences on a personal level. Send your brand’s message through engaging tips and messages.

The Tru Tip for brands:

  • Build an email list with consent and customization options.

  • Segment your subscribers based on demographics and interests.

  • Craft personalized content with tailored recommendations and tips. Use automation and drip campaigns to keep your audience engaged.

4. Video Content for Better Connections:

Create informative videos on mental health awareness topics and personal testimonials.

The Tru Tip for brands:

  • Host live Q&A sessions and discussions.

  • Collaborate with professionals and influencers to attract more viewers.

  • Optimize your videos with relevant titles, descriptions, and keywords.

5. Optimize for Search Engines:

Content without optimization is like a restless mind. It has fragmented thoughts and no focus. SEO services by a small firm can help brands promote their ideas. They do so in an organized way.

The Tru Tip for brands:

  • Conduct keyword research to identify all the search terms.

  • Optimize your website pages with keywords in titles, headings, and content.

  • Produce high-quality, informative content. Build backlinks through collaborations and valuable resources.

  • Optimize for local SEO. Do this by keeping consistent NAP (name, address, phone number) and customer reviews.

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"If you are trying to grow your qualified search traffic, you have to combine your content marketing with your SEO efforts."

- Neil Patel,
New York Times bestselling author & co-founder of NP Digital.

6. User-Generated Content and Storytelling:

Encourage your audience to share personal stories and experiences related to mental health. User-generated content builds trust. It creates a sense of community around your brand.

The Tru Tip for brands:

  • Host contests and campaigns.

  • Invite people to submit stories, artwork, or creative expressions.

  • Feature stories on websites, social media channels, and other marketing materials.

  • Collaborate with mental health advocates and influencers. Amplify these stories. Reach a wider audience through social media.

7. Virtual and Augmented Reality Experiences:

Immersive technologies are the new favourite. Integrating CGI to create motion content has boosted audience engagement like never before.

  • Develop virtual reality (VR) simulations. Allow users to experience different mental health conditions or coping strategies.

  • Use augmented reality (AR) to provide interactive information overlays or gamified experiences.

  • Partner with mental health organizations or experts. Ensure the accuracy and sensitivity of these experiences.

8. Data-Driven Insights and Personalization:

Collect and analyze data on your audience's preferences, behaviours, and interactions. Deliver personalized and relevant mental health marketing campaigns.

The Tru Tip for brands:

  • Use data from website analytics, social media insights, and customer surveys. This helps to understand your audience's needs and interests.

  • Leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence. Find patterns. Segment your audience by their mental health awareness concerns or journey stage.

  • Personalize your marketing messages, content recommendations, and offers. Provide a tailored experience for each individual.

9. Mental Health Influencer Marketing:

Influencers have a strong following and personal experience with mental health challenges. Influencer marketing builds trust and authenticity around your mental health ad campaigns. Find influencers who share your brand's values. They also connect with your target audience.

The Tru Tip for brands:

  • Create sponsored content, social media campaigns, or live events focused on mental well-being.

  • Leverage their platforms. Share educational resources, personal stories, and coping strategies related to mental health.

10. Corporate Social Responsibility and Cause Marketing:

Demonstrate your brand's commitment to mental health. Align with relevant causes and initiatives. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and cause marketing build brand loyalty and trust among conscious consumers.

The Tru Tip for brands:

  • Partner with mental health organizations or non-profits. Support their programs and services.

  • Allocate a portion of your sales or profits to mental health research or support services.

  • Engage your employees in mental health awareness ad campaigns. Provide them with access to mental health resources and support.

  • Highlight your CSR efforts and cause campaigns through various marketing channels. Showcase your brand's values and impact.

By incorporating these trends into your mental health marketing strategies, brands can boost customer engagement. They foster meaningful connections with their audiences. This, in turn, leads to the destigmatization and support of mental well-being.

Prioritize your customers’ mental well-being today with Tru’s people-first marketing approaches.
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A Blast From The Past: Brands Promoting Mental Health Awareness


Here is a blast from the past: The Colgate mental health campaign in 2018 created a “smile drive” in the APAC region. Colgate's research showed differing cultural smile standards. Many felt self-conscious about perceived smile flaws. This inhibited genuine smile expression. To address this, Colgate launched the "Embrace Your Unique Smile" campaign.

Celebrating the beauty in diversity with Colgate’s 2018 "Embrace Your Unique Smile" campaign. 

Celebrating the beauty in diversity with Colgate’s 2018 "Embrace Your Unique Smile" campaign.
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The campaign promoted diverse smile acceptance. Colgate used social media, influencers, and ads. They encouraged people to embrace their unique smile traits as a source of pride. Real stories and user content highlighted smile diversity and beauty. Challenged traditional notions of perfection. The campaign raised awareness about societal pressures, harmful effects on self-confidence, and self-expression. The goal of this mental health campaign was to promote self-acceptance. It was about accepting natural smiles.


Nike's "You Can't Stop Us" campaign was launched in 2020. It blended brand purpose, storytelling, and technology. It connected with the audience. It inspired overcoming adversity through sports. The campaign tapped into emotions like hope, courage, unity. Evocative narration, music, and visuals forged an emotional bond.

The “You Can’t Stop Us” campaign by Nike

The “You Can’t Stop Us” campaign by Nike.
Image Source

The campaign reflected current social issues. These included racial justice, gender equality, sustainability, and mental health. The athletes featured were role models and activists for these causes. Inclusivity and diversity were at the forefront. Athletes from various sports, countries, genders, races, ages, and abilities were showcased. This fostered belonging and representation. User-generated content played a key role. The users contributed to the video montage via Snapchat lens. The campaign integrated product launches aligned with its values. It reinforced Nike's brand identity and commitment to purpose.

Brands should use strategic content marketing. It helps them achieve goals and build loyalty.

Tru Voices: Igniting a Transformative Mental Health Awareness Revolution

Tru is a top boutique marketing agency based in Canada. They are keen on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. Our team comprises professionals from diverse backgrounds and races.

We believe that creating an atmosphere of acceptance and support is vital. It is key for the mental well-being of our valued employees. Tru recognizes the importance of mental health. It commits to implementing broad initiatives. These focus on the wellness of our team. They aim to help our team thrive in work and life.

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“We care a lot about the well-being of our employees, especially when it comes to their mental health. A healthy workforce is key to achieving our goals. We aim to create a safe and supportive environment where the Tru family feels comfortable discussing their mental health. We want to break down any stigmas and build a culture of kindness and empathy.” - Chandan Thakur
Chief Administrative Officer at Tru
Realign your brand's mission. Do it by breaking mental health stigmas with our personalized ad campaigns.
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